Design Tool for High-Performance Rotationally Symmetric Reflector Antennas

29 Oct 2012

In this paper, we present an efficient higher-order BoR-MoM in which the unknown surface current is discretized using hierarchical Legendre basis functions, that are adapted to the circular symmetric geometry. Furthermore, the shape of the generatrix is represented by up to 4th order curvilinear line segments that approximates curved surfaces with high accuracy. The combination of a higher-order polynomial current approximation and the smooth geometry implies that the number of unknowns is reduced to approximately 4 per wavelength, i.e., approximately a four-fold reduction compared to the low-order case. This reduction leads to a dramatic speedup such that a full-wave analysis of typical rotationally symmetric antennas can be accomplished in 1-2 seconds on a laptop.

Publication: Proceedings of ISAP2012, pp. 1381–1384
Place: Nagoya, Japan

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