Array Decomposition Method for Arbitrary-Element Regular Arrays using Higher-Order Basis Functions

01 Jan 2023

The full-wave array decomposition method for regular antenna arrays with arbitrary elements using higher order hierarchical basis functions is investigated. We show that the use of higher-order basis functions results in significantly reduced memory consumption and computation time for a 10 × 10 element conical horn array with an aperture size of 22λ × 22λ, without the need for analytical nor numerical approximations. In addition, we demonstrate that by employing higher order basis functions, the far-field error is considerably lower than by using common first-order basis functions for the same total number of unknowns.

Publication: IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 22, Issue 1.

Magnus Brandt-Møller / Michael Mattes / Olav Breinbjerg / Min Zhou / Oscar Borries /
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