Analysis and Optimization of a Curved Transmit-Receive Contoured Beam Reflectarray
This paper presents the analysis and optimization of a 1 meter single-layer curved contoured beam reflectarray in Kuband. The curved reflectarray is designed to radiate a contoured beam over a European coverage in both transmit and receive frequency bands for dual linear polarization. For the analysis of the curved reflectarray, the spectral domain method of moments assuming local periodicity is used, and its accuracy is verified by comparisons with full-wave method of moments simulations. For the optimization, a direct optimization approach where all the array elements are simultaneously optimized is used. The optimized curved reflectarray is compared to the shaped reflector, and the comparison shows that the performance of the curved reflectarray is identical to that of the shaped reflector.
Publication: Proc. EuCAP’2015
Place: Lisbon, Portugal