TICRA Tools 23.1 is released

06 Dec 2023

We are excited to announce the release of TICRA Tools 23.1, introducing valuable enhancements that empower users with improved and more efficient workflows.

Among many improvements, selected highlights of this release are:

Improved Computational Performance: Users experience faster computations and quicker responses for pattern grid operations across all TICRA Tools products with the introduction of binary output files for pattern grids.

Design Flexibility without External Tools: The new Boolean Scatterer class in GRASP, ESTEAM, CHAMP 3D, and QUPES allows for the creation of intricate geometries without relying on external CAD tools, offering enhanced design flexibility.

Simplified Waveguide Definition: CHAMP 3D users benefit from a more straightforward waveguide definition using the General Waveguide Device 2D Rim, which allows the introduction of waveguides using interior and outer rims.

Advanced Antenna Shaping Capabilities: POS users gain enhanced tools for shaping dual-reflector antennas with the introduction of a new class, providing more advanced options for antenna design and optimisation.

More details on the highlighted features can be found below.

With an active Technical Support and Maintenance (TSM) contract you may download TICRA Tools 23.1 on the TICRA support site. Here, you also find the release note with all details on the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

If you would like to renew your TSM agreement, please contact us.

Binary output files for pattern grids (All products)

A new HDF5 binary file format for pattern grid files is introduced. The data can be stored as single or double precision. Double-format files are 60% smaller than TICRA format, and single-format files are half the size of double-format ones. This format provides faster simulations and quicker responses when using the grid data, providing enhanced performance. Users can now plot results in grids as a function of parameters in parameter sweeps. The files are easily importable into Python or MATLAB.


Boolean scatterer (GRASP, ESTEAM, CHAMP 3D, QUPES)

A new Boolean Scatterer is introduced, enabling Boolean operations (union, cut, common, and remove common) on Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) scatterers. This tool allows the construction of complex geometries without an external CAD tool. It performs operations on both surfaces and solids. Translation and rotation can also be applied to each scatterer.

An example Boolean operation involving boxes and a cylinder.


General Waveguide Device 2D Rim (CHAMP 3D)

The General Waveguide Device 2D Rim simplifies the configuration of a specific class of waveguide devices, described by a cross section in the xy-plane with a fixed height in z. This cross section is described by rims, with an outer rim defining the outer boundary and interior rims specifying holes. The example in the below figure illustrates the creation of a rat race coupler: the left figure showcases an outer rim defined as a tabulated rim and an interior circular rim specified as an elliptical rim with identical half axes.

The 2D rims and the completed device after attaching four rectangular ports.



New class for shaping of dual-reflector antennas (POS)

The latest version of TICRA Tools introduces the new class PO, Shaping of Dual Reflectors that allows users to designate a reflector as the main or sub reflector. When used in optimisation, POS automatically detects the potential for using analytical derivatives and uses them when relevant, yielding more efficient surface shaping computations.

A shaped dual reflector antenna.


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