Modelling of the Antenna-to-Range Coupling for a Compact Range

21 Oct 2001

Two ways of modelling a compact range design are presented, and the coupling to a given antenna under test (AUT) is determined and compared to the AUT far field.

The compact range models are both based on physical optics (PO). The first model applies a simple presentation of the serrations of the range reflector while the second model is based on a new feature of GRASP8, which allows a detailed description of the triangles of the range serrations.

The AUT measurement is modelled by an accurate coupling analysis between the current elements on the compact range reflector and the antenna under test. This coupling pattern is compared to the real far-field pattern and the differences are discussed.

By including known range imperfections in the AUT-to-range coupling a better agreement to the measured patterns may be obtained.

All computations are carried out by GRASP8.

Publication: AMTA 23rd Annual Symposium (AMTA2001)
Place: Denver, CO, 21-26 October, 2001

Frank Jensen / Knud Pontoppidan /
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