Design and Optimization of a Single-Layer Planar Transmit-Receive Contoured Beam Reflectarray with Enhanced Performance
This paper presents the design and optimization of a 1.2-meters single-layer planar contoured beam reflectarray in Ku-band. The reflectarray is optimized to fulfill the requirements of a Direct Broadcast Satellite mission, which covers a South American coverage in both transmit and receive frequency bands for dual linear polarization. The reflectarray is designed using a direct optimization approach where all the array elements are optimized simultaneously, thus resulting in a design with enhanced performance compared to designs obtained using a phase-only optimization approach. The reflectarray fulfills all the coverage requirements in both transmit and receive frequency bands and the performance is validated by means of full-wave Method of Moments simulations.
Publication: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 63 No. 4
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