Higher-Order Basis Functions Applied to the Inverse Method of Moments for Inverse-Source Problems

04 Apr 2012

Higher-order basis functions are commonly used for discretization of surface integral equations, which are typically solved by the Method of Moments (MoM). This leads to higher accuracy and lower memory requirements when compared to a simple piecewise linear discretization, e.g., RWG functions. Typical applications of these techniques are antenna or scattering problems where the excitation is known and the radiated or scattered fields are desired. The present paper investigates the use of higher-order basis functions when applied to the Inverse MoM where the radiated field has been measured and the electromagnetic sources producing the radiated field are the unknown quantities. The typical applications of this method are antenna diagnostics and filtering of measured fields.

Publication: ACES 2012 Conference
Place: Columbus, Ohio, USA, 10-14 April
Year: 2012

Oscar Borries / Erik Jørgensen / Peter Meincke / P. C. Hansen /
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